Morphine Sulfate
Study Protocol
HypoSpray Pharma Morphine Sulfate

1 / Patient Pain Assessment
Using Wong–Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale
o Pre-assessment of pain level
o Initial 1 hr. post pain assessment
o Then a 2 hr. pain assessment
2 / Administration of HypoSpray Pharma Morphine Sulfate
Each dose is 5mg (2 sprays) of Morphine Sulfate
o Wear gloves
o Choose site (no need for any skin prep)
1. Forearms
2. Abdomen
3. Thighs
o Position Spray Bottle 2-3 inches away from skin ensure bevel is facing skin)
o Rub in circular motion 3-5 times
Medication is transferred through the skin within 15 seconds, with no risk of transferring medication to other surfaces/people.
3 / Documentation
Patients’ charts will be labeled with an identification sticker once enrolled in the study.
o Patients pain level assessments, and quantity of medication given will be documented on a separate sheet in the patient’s chart for the duration of the study (Pt. enrolled for 3 days, even if 3 days aren’t completed Pt. data is still used).
o Medication waste and accounting for opioid compliance will also be on a separate sheet in its own binder in the medication room.
4 / Counting Medication Volume
Each patient once enrolled in the study will receive 2 individual spray bottles of Morphine Sulfate, enrolling physicians will provide the script to the pharmacy if more is needed.
o Each spray bottle of HypoSpray Pharma Morphine Sulfate is 12ml with counting markers on the side of the bottle.
o Each bottle contains 30 doses (sprays) of 2.5mg Morphine Sulfate, and each spray will bring the volume down by 1 mark (.2ml).
o Place spray bottle on level surface to accurately monitor volume usage per shift.
o If by mistake a dose (spray) misses the application site, count as waste, and give another dose (spray) to the skin.